LMA 5391 Corona Virus Exclusions

LMA 5391 Corona Virus Exclusions

LMA 5391 Corona Virus Exclusions

Sahabat Caraka,

Menghadapi permasalahan Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di hampir seluruh dunia, Pasar Underwriting Asuransi Internasional memberikan respon atas terjadinya musibah ini.

Baru-baru ini, Lloyd’s Market Association telah menerbitkan Ayat klausula baru terkait dengan hal tersebut. Salah Satunya adalah LMA 5391 Corona Virus Exclusions.

Wording ini, meski tidak menyebutkan tentang Pandemi atau Epidemi, akan tetapi dirinci khusus pengecualian klaim dari dan/atau yang disebabkan karena beberapa jenis penyakit yang disebutkan, seperti tertera dibawah ini:

Update Berita

LMA 5391 Corona Virus Exclusions

Your Insurance Policy does not / This Insurance does not {delete as applicable} cover any claim in any way caused by or resulting from:

a) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19);
b) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2);
c) any mutation or variation of SARS-CoV-2;
d) any fear or threat of a), b) or c) above.


04 March 2020

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About the Lloyd’s Market Association
The Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) represents the interests of the Lloyd’s community, providing professional and technical support to our members. All managing and members’ agents at Lloyd’s are full members, who together manage a gross premium income of around £31 billion per annum. Through the LMA, their interests are represented wherever decisions need to be made that affect the market.

The purpose of the LMA is to identify and resolve issues which are of particular interest to the Lloyd’s market. We work in partnership with the Corporation of Lloyd’s and other market-related associations to influence the course of future market initiatives.

Our agenda is driven by and on behalf of our members – many of whose staff freely give up their time to participate on our committees and business panels, as well as other groups who are essential to the strength of the association.