Risks : IAR
Workmen are allowed in and/or about any of the described premises for the purpose of making new erections or alterations, repair, decoration, plant installation, general maintenance and the like without prejudice to the terms and conditions of the Policy.
Para pekerja diperkenankan berada di dalam dan di sekeliling lokasi yang disebutkan dalam Polis dalam rangka melaksanakan pekerjaan-pekerjaan pemasangan baru atau perubahan-perubahan, perbaikan, membuat dekorasi, instalasi pabrik, perawatan umum dan sejenisnya tanpa mengabaikan ketentuan-ketentuan dan persyaratan-persyaratan Polis.
Other Version :
It is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy to the contrary, Workmen may be employed for the purpose of minor extensions or alterations, installations, maintenance and the like without prejudice to this insurance.
Other Version :
It is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy to the contrary, Workmen may be employed for the purpose of minor extensions or alterations, installations, maintenance and the like without prejudice to this insurance.