Risks : BT, TI, IAR
It is hereby noted and agreed that in consideration of the Insured having paid an additional premium, this policy shall be extended to cover loss and/or damage to the insured property caused by Theft without any visible violent or forcible entry to the insured premises, provided always that this endorsement shall be deemed to exclude property stored in the open air.
Biasa dilekatkan pada polis-polis seperti Burglary and Theft Insurance, Travel Insurance, Industrial Property All Risks Insurance, Public Liability Insurance
Perlu dicermati, ada beberapa jenis Theft, dimana didalam klausulanya ada yang hanya menjamin kecurian hanya jika diikuti oleh tindakan kekerasan/paksa saat masuk dan keluar, atau ada juga yang mengakomodasi jikapun tidak ada bukti masuk atau keluar paksa.