Tarif atau Harga Premi Asuransi Kendaraan di Indonesia

Tarif Harga Premi Asuransi Kebakaran di Indonesia

Tarif Harga Premi Asuransi Kebakaran di Indonesia diatur olleh OJK melalui Surat Edaran OJK dengan nomor SE-OJK-06 Tahun 2017, dimana pada ketentuannya, dapat dilihat pada tabel terltera dibawah ini  (Tarif Bawah, untuk 3 jenis kelas Konstruksi, per mill) :

Kode Okupasi (2 digit) Kode Okupasi (3 digit) Kode Okupasi (4-6
Kelas Kontruksi 1 Kelas Kontruksi 2 Kelas Kontruksi 3
Tarif Bawah Tarif Bawah Tarif Bawah
20 200 Mining (underground or above ground) of precious metal (Gold, Silver, Platinum and other precious metals) including primarily smelting and refining 0,490 0,735 0,980
201 Mining (underground or above ground) of Aluminium including Smelting and Refinery 0,800 1,200 1,600
202 Iron Mines, Blast Furnaces, Iron Foundries and Primary metal product Judul tanpa tarif
2020 Iron Mines (underground or above ground) 0,700 1,050 1,400
2021 Blast Furnaces and Iron Foundries, kegiatan pengubahan seperti reduksi bijih besi dalam tungku pembakar dan oxygen converter. 0,805 1,208 1,610
203 Steelworks and Rolling Mills, termasuk juga pembuatan besi dan baja paduan. Termasuk kegiatan tungku pembakar selain blast furnaces, steel converter, pabrik penggulungan dan finishing; produksi besi kasar dalam bentuk dasar seperti balok; produksi besi campuran. 1,085 1,628 2,170
204 Exploration and Production of Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas, Terminals, and geothermal Judul tanpa tarif
2041 Exploration and Production for Crude Petroleum, on shore only 2,915
2042 Crude Petroleum Pipe Lines including pump station, on shore only 1,635
2043 Exploration and Production for Natural gas and geothermal, on shore 2,702
2044 Natural Gas Transmission and distribution including geothermal (including pipelines and pump stations), on shore only 2,489
2045 Terminal for crude oil 1,849
2046 Terminals for Liquefied Gases 2,275
2047 Other petroleum and gas products 3,200
2048 Degasification Stations 2,062
2049 Off shore Facilities 2,987
205 Mines, Other than Iron, Aluminium, Precious Metal, Salt Judul tanpa tarif
2051 Extraction and Processing above Ground 0,996 1,494 1,992
2052 Extraction and Processing below Ground 1,145 1,718 2,291
2058 Other and /or Mixed 1,295 1,942 2,590
206 Foundries , Reduction Plants (Smelting and Refinery) for Metals (Excluding Iron, Alumunium and Precious Metal) 0,754 1,130 1,507
207 Coal and Lignite Extraction, Asphalt Mines Judul tanpa tarif
2071 Extraction and Processing of Coal and Lignite above Ground (surface) 0,981 1,471 1,962
2072 Extraction and Processing of Coal and Lignite below Ground 1,422 2,133 2,844
2073 Coal Coking Plants (kokas) 1,275 1,913 2,550
2074 Manufacturing of Coal Briquettes 1,128 1,692 2,256
208 Salt mines Judul tanpa tarif
2081 Salt mines, extraction from rock or evaporated deposit 0,980 1,470 1,960
2082 Salt extraction from sea water (tambak garam) 0,852 1,278 1,704
209 Peat extraction, Peat processing 0,500 0,750 1,000
21 210 Stone, gravel and sand extraction installations 0,550 0,743 0,935
211 Cement, Chalk, Lime and Gypsum Industry Judul tanpa tarif
21121 Cement Factories with rotary kiln 0,870 1,305 1,740
21122 Cement Factories without rotary kiln 0,780 1,170 1,560
2113 Concrete product, Ready Mixed Concrete, Unfired Stoneware, Industri  beton, barang-barang dari batu buatan atau semen yang digunakan dalam konstruksi, seperti ubin, batu bata, papan, lembaran, panel, pipa, tonggak dan sebagainya. Industri mortar bubuk.
Industri beton, dry mixed dan mortar siap pakai.
Industri barang-barang gips yang digunakan dalam konstruksi, seperti papan, lembaran, panel.
0,690 1,035 1,380
2114 Artificial Teeth, non plastic 0,600 0,900 1,200
212 Asbestos Products, Cut Stone and Stone products, (Animal) Bones and/or Shell crushing for feed, Mineral Wool Judul tanpa tarif
2121 Asbestos products, Cut stone and stone products 1,188 1,782 2,376
2122 Animal Bones and/or shell crushing for feed 1,366 2,049 2,732
2123 Mineral Wool 1,544 2,317 3,089
213 Brick and Structural Clay Tile, and structural Clay products (batubata, genteng, ubin) Judul tanpa tarif
2131 Factories which only have Tunnel Kilns 0,600 0,900 1,200
2132 Factories which other types of Kilns 0,531 0,796 1,062
2133 Ceramic Color, Ceramic Frit, Glass Enamel Color, Inorganic Pigments 0,462 0,692 0,923
214 Porcelain, Earthenware, Stoneware, Pottery, Clay Refractories, Ceramic Wall and tiles factory Judul tanpa tarif
2141 Factories which only have Tunnel Kilns 0,748 1,122 1,496
2142 Factories with other kiln 0,650 0,976 1,301
215 Glass works, Glass blowing plants Judul tanpa tarif
2151 Glass container, Pressed and Blown Glass and Glassware 1,834 2,750 3,667
2152 Flat Glass including tempered 1,594 2,392 3,189
2158 Mixed 2,073 3,109 4,145
216 Glass Products Made of Purchased Glass, lenses, safety glass, mirror 2,052 2,771 3,489
217 Precious stone workshops and processing plant 0,375 0,506 0,637
218 Emery and abrasive materials factories 2,717 3,667 4,618
219 Tarcoated chippings manufacture, asphalt and roofing felt factories, Asphalt Goods 3,124 4,686 6,249
22 220 Foil and sheet making plant, Forging Works, Locksmiths, Constructional Metalworks Judul tanpa tarif
2201 Sheet rolling mills and foil making plants, forging works, locksmiths, constructional metal works, insulating pipes or metal 0,584 0,877 1,169
2202 Metal product from metal powder, industri penempaan, pengepresan, pencetakan dan pembentukan logam dengan metalurgi bubuk 1,801 2,701 3,602
2203 Mixed 1,241 1,861 2,481
221 Industrial, Mining and Commercial Machinery, Metal Coating Services, Coating Processes Using Flammable Materials including dipping and spray painting Judul tanpa tarif
2211 Industrial, Mining and Commercial Machinery Judul tanpa tarif
22111 Industrial, Mining and Commercial Machinery, without melting of metal 0,410 0,616 0,821
22112 Industrial, Mining and Commercial Machinery with melting of metal 0,472 0,708 0,944
2212 Metal Coating Services (enameling, zincing, galvanizing, anodizing) 3,279 4,919 6,558
2213 Coating Processes Using Flammable Materials including dipping and spray painting services 0,941 1,411 1,881
2214 Metal/Steel Furniture factories (where plastic and foam is utilized) plastic cupboards and foldable chair factories 1,996 2,993 3,991
2215 Metal / Steel Spring Mattresses Manufacturing (without foam) 2,570 3,854 5,139
2218 Mixed 3,689 5,533 7,378
222 Manufacture of electrical apparatus, Wet & dry batteries, Measuring and Precision apparatus photographic apparatus, Scientific laboratories Judul tanpa tarif
2221 Manufacture assembly and repair of electrical machines and apparatus 0,750 1,125 1,500
2222 Wet and dry battery factories 0,580 0,870 1,160
2223 Manufacture of measuring equipment photographic apparatus precision instrument, and scientific laboratories 0,823 1,235 1,646
2228 Mixed 1,375 2,062 2,749
223 Cable and wire factories Judul tanpa tarif
2231 Wire factories 0,754 1,131 1,509
2232 Cable factories 0,787 1,180 1,574
2233 Nails, screws, bolts and nuts factories 0,618 0,927 1,236
2238 Mixed 0,760 1,140 1,520
224 Vehicle, Railways carriage and locomotive, Aircraft, Ships construction and assembling plants Judul tanpa tarif
Kode Okupasi (2 digit) Kode Okupasi (3 digit) Kode Okupasi (4-6
Kelas Kontruksi 1 Kelas Kontruksi 2 Kelas Kontruksi 3
Tarif Bawah Tarif Bawah Tarif Bawah
2241 Vehicle construction plants including bicycle and becak (three wheels) 0,429 0,644 0,858
2242 Construction of railway carriages and locomotives 0,908 1,362 1,815
2243 Aircraft construction plants 0,722 1,082 1,443
2244 Ship construction, naval shipyards 0,676 1,014 1,353
2245 Vehicle assembling plants 0,410 0,615 0,820
2248 Mixed 0,861 1,291 1,721
225 Manufacture and or assembly of telecommunication or computer apparatus and Integrated circuits (IC) Judul tanpa tarif
2251 Manufacture and or assembly of telecommunication apparatus 0,906 1,359 1,812
2252 Manufacture and or assembly of computer apparatus 1,169 1,754 2,338
2253 Manufacture of Integrated Circuit (IC) from Chips 1,354 2,031 2,708
226 Radio and Television Receiver factories, and or assembling plant, audio and audio-video recorder and or player factories and or assembling plants, manufacture of parts for radio and television receivers, audio and audio-video recorders and or players Judul tanpa tarif
2261 Radio and television receiver factories and or assembling plants, audio video recorder and or player factories and or assembling plants 0,824 1,236 1,648
2262 Factories of parts for radio and television receivers, audio and audio-video recorders and players 1,187 1,780 2,373
227 Light Bulb Factories, Manufacture of Electronic Tubes and Fluorescent Tubes, Neon Signs, LED 0,778 1,167 1,556
228 Watches and clocks and their component parts factories 0,829 1,243 1,657
229 Metal jewelry and precious metal goods factories/diamond polishing factories Judul tanpa tarif
2299 Other industries in main category 22 0,771 1,156 1,542
23 230 Chemical products, pharmaceutical products Judul tanpa tarif
2300 Chemical products, pharmaceutical products Judul tanpa tarif
23001 General Chemical Products Factories, including biofuel from vegetable oil and oleochemical Judul tanpa tarif
230011 General Chemical Products Factories flammable, including biofuel from vegetable oil and oleochemical 2,272 3,409 4,545
230012 General Chemical Products Factories non flammable 1,976 2,964 3,952
23002 Pharmaceutical Products Factories and Medicated Plaster 0,984 1,476 1,968
23003 Natural Drug (Jamu) 1,188 1,783 2,377
23004 Pesticides and agricultural chemical 1,382 2,074 2,765
23005 Paint & Varnish Judul tanpa tarif
230051 Solvent base product 5,644 8,466 11,288
230052 Water base product 2,258 3,386 4,515
23006 Acid, Alkaline Factories 3,104 4,656 6,208
23007 Chlor – Alkali Electrolysis 3,951 5,926 7,902
23008 Air Separation Plants (production of Technical Gases,e.g. Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen) 4,797 7,196 9,595
23009 Peroxide Manufacture, Application and Storage 5,644 8,466 11,288
23010 Others than 23006 –
6,491 9,736 12,981
23012 Ink Factory Judul tanpa tarif
230121 Ink factories – solvent base 1,380 2,070 2,760
230122 Ink factories – water base 1,200 1,800 2,400
231 Oil Processing Judul tanpa tarif
2310 Oil Refinery, establishments primarily engaged in producing gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils and through fractionation or
straight distillation of crude oil, re-distillation of unfinished petroleum derivatives, cracking or other processes. Refinery products and
byproducts typically include alkylates; asphalts; bitumens; benzene; butadiene; butylenes; ethylene; jet aircraft fuels; mineral jelly, oils and waxes; naphtha; naphthenic acids; paraffin wax; propylene; refinery gas; solvents; tar; biofuel
mixing, lubricating oil from petroleum refinery, etc.
2311 Other Chemical and physical treatments e.g washing, desalinating, etc Judul tanpa tarif
23111 Hydrogen Generation from Natural Gas, Refinery Gas, or Liquid 1,857 2,785 3,713
23115 Lubricating oils and greases by blending and compounding purchased materials including re- used oil processing 1,614 2,422 3,229
232 Petrochemical works Judul tanpa tarif
2321 Primary Petrochemical Works with Basic Materials such as Ethylene, Methanol, Propylene, Butadiene, Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, producing formaldehyde, Acetic acid, ethanol, ethylene, oxide, ethylene dichloride, polyethylene, ethylbenzene, cumene, polypropylene, isopropanol,
propylene oxide, cyclohexane
1,616 2,425 3,233
2322 Petrochemical Intermediate Products (Vinyl Chloride Monomer and Other than 2321) 1,914 2,871 3,828
2323 Polymerization on a Large Scale including manufacture of PP, PET, PE, ABS, PU, PIR, PS,
PVC, Teflon, silicones, etc
1,452 2,178 2,904
2324 Fertilizer factories on petrochemical basis Judul tanpa tarif
23241 Ammonia Production and/or Urea Production 0,960 1,441 1,921
23242 Production of Melamine Powder/Melamine Crystal using Urea Solution and Ammonia Gas 0,835 1,253 1,670
2325 Synthetic rubber 3,092 4,638 6,185
2326 Liquefaction of natural gas 1,759 2,639 3,518
2327 Liquefaction of petroleum gases 1,224 1,836 2,448
2328 Petrol coke, soot, graphite 6,846 10,269 13,692
2329 Liquefaction and gasification of coal 8,215 12,323 16,431
233 Storage Tanks (non terminal) Judul tanpa tarif
2331 Crude Oil (non terminal) 1,189 1,784 2,379
2332 Oil Products in Tanks located in the Harbour Area (non terminal) 1,400 2,100 2,800
2333 Liquefied Gases (non terminal) 2,127 3,190 4,254
2334 Pipeline for chemical products 1,422 2,133 2,844
2335 Other liquid chemicals (e.g ammonia) 1,589 2,384 3,179
234 Manufacturer of plastic articles, Foam plastic, Synthetics resin Judul tanpa tarif
2341 Manufacture of Plastic product by extrusions, compression, transfer molding, injection molding, blow molding, blow stretch molding, etc 2,505 3,758 5,011
2342 Manufacture and processing of foam and expanded plastics 14,623 21,935 29,246
2343 Manufacturer of synthetic adhesive also called synthetic resin adhesive Judul tanpa tarif
23431 Using Inflammable / Combustible / Volatile Liquids and or Solids at anytime during the production process 5,850 8,776 11,701
23432 Using Liquid Methanol, Water and Air in a continuous process to produce Formaldehyde Gas thence Formaldehyde Solution in Water (Formalin) and then by mixing with either Urea, Phenol, Melamine, or Resorcinol in batch produce the related Formaldehyde Resin Adhesives 6,728 10,092 13,456
235 Manufacture of Artificial Fibres (Petrochemical Feedstock Process), Establishments primarily engaged in the manufacture of cellulosic fibers, such as rayon, viscose, cellulose acetate, cigarette
tow, nitrocellulose fibers, etc, in the form of monofilament, yarn, staple or tow suitable for further manufacturing on spindles, looms, knitting machines or other textile processing equipment.
1,974 2,961 3,948
236 Manufacture of film, photographic paper, magnetic tape and celluloid batch adhesive tape (selotip) 0,700 1,050 1,400
237 Manufacture of tooth paste, soap, detergents, polishes, etheric oils, essences, parfumes, and cosmetic products, gelatine non-synthetic adhesives, starches, candles and wax goods, natural resins
2371 Manufacture of soaps, detergents and polishes 1,022 1,532 2,043
2372 Manufacture of etheric oils, essences, perfumes and cosmetic products 1,221 1,831 2,442
2373 Manufacture of gelatine, non-synthetic adhesives, starches, candles and wax goods, natural resins 2,839 4,258 5,678
2374 Manufacture of natural adhesives (glue) of organic origin coming from animal, vegetable or mineral source Judul tanpa tarif
23741 water based 3,800 5,700 7,600
23742 solvent based 4,370 6,555 8,740
2378 Mixed 2,200 3,300 4,400
238 Chemical fertilizer factories (conventional) 1,427 2,140 2,853
239 Powders, explosives, matches and firework factories Judul tanpa tarif
2399 Powder, Explosives, Matches and Firework Factories 8,700 13,050 17,400
24 240 Spinning Mills, pre- spinning process Judul tanpa tarif
2401 Spinning mills, Pre- spinning : Animal Fibres 1,794 2,691 3,588
2402 Spinning mills, Pre- spinning : Vegetable and cellulose fibres 1,670 2,505 3,340
2403 Spinning mills, Pre- spinning : Synthetic fibres (mechanical process) 1,550 2,325 3,100
2408 Spinning mills,Pre- spinning : Mixed 2,159 3,239 4,319
241 Weaving, pre-weaving process Judul tanpa tarif
2411 Weaving, Pre-Weaving Processes: Animal fibres 1,601 2,402 3,203
2412 Weaving, Pre-Weaving Processes: Vegetable and cellulose fibres 1,744 2,616 3,489
2413 Weaving, Pre-Weaving Processes: Synthetic fibres 1,428 2,142 2,856
2418 Weaving, Pre-Weaving Processes: Mixed 2,081 3,121 4,162
242 Dressing (including but not limited to printing) and finishing Judul tanpa tarif
2421 Dressing and finishing processes : Animal Fibres 1,738 2,608 3,477
2422 Dressing and finishing processes : Vegetable and Cellulose Fibres 1,210 1,816 2,421
2423 Dressing and finishing processes : Synthetic Fibres 1,386 2,079 2,772
2428 Dressing and finishing processes : Mixed 2,065 3,098 4,131
243 Mixed processes (Spinning, Weaving, Dressing and Finishing) Judul tanpa tarif
2431 Mixed processes(spinning, weaving) :Animal fibres 1,790 2,685 3,580
2432 Mixed processes(spinning, weaving) : Vegetable and cellulose 1,445 2,167 2,889
2433 Mixed processes(spinning, weaving) : Synthetic fibres 1,745 2,618 3,491
2438 Mixed processes(spinning, weaving) : Mixed 2,102 3,153 4,203
244 Processing of textile waste and non woven process Judul tanpa tarif
2441 Processing of textile waste
: Animal fibres
4,890 7,335 9,780
2442 Processing of textile waste
: Vegetable and cellulose fibres
4,877 7,315 9,754
2443 Processing of textile waste
: Synthetic fibres
2,599 3,898 5,198
2448 Processing of textile waste
: Mixed
3,658 5,486 7,315
245 Ropemakers, stringmakers, sackmakers, blankets weaving mills, carpet manufacturer Judul tanpa tarif
2451 Ropemakers, stringmakers and sackmakers 1,605 2,407 3,209
2452 Blanket waving mills and carpet manufacture 1,410 2,115 2,820
2458 Mixed 1,550 2,325 3,100
246 Knitting mills, knitwear factories, stocking factories, glove factories hosiery mills, lamp wick factories, clothing and underwear manufacturers, sewing works, furrires, skin processing works, custom tailors, umbrella factories, felt goods factories, lace Judul tanpa tarif
2461 Knitting mills, knitwear factories, stocking factories, hosiery mills, glove factories and lamp wick factories 3,180 4,771 6,361
2462 Clothing and underwear manufactures, sewing works, furriers, skin processing works, custom tailors (garment 1,285 1,928 2,570
manufacture) – large scale/factory based.
2463 Umbrella factories, felt goods factories, lace factories, embroidery factories 1,655 2,483 3,311
2464 Batik Establishments 1,171 1,756 2,341
2465 Clothing, underwear, jacket, custom tailor and other garment product (konveksi) – small scale/home industry 1,906 2,859 3,812
2466 Zipper Factories 2,514 3,771 5,028
2468 Mixed 1,499 2,248 2,997
247 Upholstery, cushion maker’s and saddler’s workshops 3,350 5,025 6,700
248 Cotton wool and capoc factories 3,223 4,834 6,446
249 Laundries, pressers, dry- (chemical) cleaning, cleaning of feathers and down Judul tanpa tarif
2491 Laundries and pressers 2,800 4,200 5,600
2492 Dry-(chemical) cleaning 2,354 3,531 4,708
2493 Cleaning of feathers and down 3,100 4,650 6,200
2498 Mixed 2,600 3,900 5,200
25 250 Wood pulp, cellulose based on wood pulp and linoleum factories Judul tanpa tarif
2501 Wood pulp and cellulose based on wood pulp 2,852 4,279 5,705
2502 Lino factories 4,423 6,635 8,846
2508 Mixed 4,469 6,704 8,938
251 Paper, cardboard and hardboard factories Judul tanpa tarif
2511 Paper manufacture 2,287 3,431 4,574
2512 Manufacture of cardboard and hardboard 3,067 4,601 6,134
2518 Mixed 3,282 4,922 6,563
252 Cartoon and paper goods factories, bookbinders Judul tanpa tarif
2521 Carton Manufacture including corrugated paper product 4,363 6,545 8,726
2522 Paper goods and or carton goods factories 2,959 4,439 5,919
2523 Bookbinders 2,807 4,211 5,614
2528 Mixed 3,869 5,804 7,738
253 Newspaper printers, other printers, art printing works, lithographers, screen printing on paper (sablon), typeplate workshops, block workshops, photogravure workshops Judul tanpa tarif
2531 Newspaper printers 0,713 1,070 1,426
2532 Other printers, art printing works, lithographers, sablon 1,148 1,722 2,296
2533 Typeplate workshops, block workshops 1,892 2,838 3,785
2534 Photogravure workshop 1,762 2,642 3,523
2538 Mixed 2,134 3,201 4,268
254 Coloured paper and/or wallpaper printing works 2,315 3,473 4,631
255 Straw and rush goods factories 1,631 2,446 3,262
256 Leather production and tanneries 1,323 1,985 2,646
257 Shoe factories Judul tanpa tarif
2571 Leather 5,415 8,122 10,829
2572 Rubber and/or Canvas 5,844 8,767 11,689
2578 Other materials or mixture of above mentioned materials and other materials 7,269 10,904 14,539
258 Leather goods factories Judul tanpa tarif
2581 Leather goods factories 0,931 1,396 1,861
2582 Imitation leather goods factories 2,985 4,477 5,969
2588 Mixed 2,854 4,281 5,708
259 Rubber goods factories, foamed rubber factories, tyre factories, vulcanizing works, rubber factories (non estate risk), tyre cord manufacturers Judul tanpa tarif
2591 Rubber goods factories (excluding foamed rubber) 2,603 3,905 5,206
2592 Foamed rubber factories 8,692 13,038 17,385
2593 Tyre factories, vulcanizing works rubber factories (non estate risks) 1,036 1,554 2,072
25931 Tyre Cord Manufacturers (using Tyre Yarn as basic Material) 0,901 1,351 1,802
2594 Remilling factories 2,837 4,256 5,674
2595 Smoke houses (rubber) 22,271 33,407 44,542
2596 Crumb Rubber Factories (natural and recycling) 3,130 4,694 6,259
2598 Mixed 6,007 9,011 12,014
26 260 Sawmills, carpenter’s shops, parquet factories, sawing and cutting of firewood Judul tanpa tarif
2601 Sawmills, panglong (sawmills with manual manufacture only) 7,031 10,546 14,062
2602 Carpenter’s shops, parquet factories sawing and cutting of firewood 3,015 4,523 6,031
2603 Wooden sport equipment 3,920 5,880 7,840
2604 Obat nyamuk bakar/mosquito coil factories 3,320 4,980 6,640
2605 Toothpick, chopsticks factories 7,803 11,704 15,605
2606 Rattan drying & peeling mills 3,394 5,091 6,788
2608 Mixed 15,138 22,708 30,277
261 Furniture manufacture, cabinet makers, wooden boat builders, bamboo, rattan and wooden carvings and handicrafts 4,000 6,000 8,000
262 Manufacture of wood fibre board, hardboard masonite, wood chipboard, particle board, pressed wood and plywood, veneers Judul tanpa tarif
2621 Manufacture of fibreboard, hardboard, Masonite 1,523 2,285 3,046
2622 manufacture of wood chipboard, particle board, pressed wood 2,957 4,436 5,914
2623 Manufacture of plywood (triplex, multiplex) and veneer and blackboard, laminboard, fancy flooring and other related products provided carried out in the same (plywood) manufacture building using formaldehyde synthetic resin adhesives 4,466 6,699 8,932
2624 Sirap factories 8,892 13,338 17,785
2628 Mixed 4,370 6,555 8,740
263 Turner’s shop, coachbuilder’s shop, pipes, walking-sticks and picture frame factories, pencil factories 1,883 2,824 3,766
264 Wicker – Work Factories (anyaman bambu) 6,841 10,262 13,683
265 Cork goods factories such as shuttle cock factories 5,415 8,123 10,831
266 Broom, brush and paintbrush factories 1,428 2,142 2,856
267 Timber impregnation installations, plywood coating installation 3,836 5,753 7,671
268 Wooden musical instruments factories 2,400 3,600 4,800
269 Charcoal producers and other industries in main category 26 3,418 5,126 6,835
27 270 Corn mills, paddy (rice), gambir Judul tanpa tarif
2701 Corn mills 0,853 1,280 1,707
2702 Fodder mills 1,141 1,712 2,283
2703 Gaplek mills 0,508 0,762 1,016
2704 Gambir factories 2,742 4,113 5,483
2705 Flour Mills (tepung terigu, tepung tapioka, tepung sagu, tepung beras,
0,612 0,918 1,224
2708 Mixed including feed mill 1,825 2,737 3,650
2709 Paddy & Hulling Mills 1,008 1,511 2,015
Sugar mills, chocolate factories, sweets factories Judul tanpa tarif
2711      Sugar mills, chocolate factories, sweets factories
Judul tanpa tarif
Kode Okupasi (2 digit) Kode Okupasi (3 digit) Kode Okupasi (4-6
Kelas Kontruksi 1 Kelas Kontruksi 2 Kelas Kontruksi 3
Tarif Bawah Tarif Bawah Tarif Bawah
2743 Storage of crude palm oil (CPO) outside estates including storage of edible oils in tanks 1,506 2,260 3,013
2748 Mixed 1,761 2,641 3,521
275 Dairy Product Judul tanpa tarif
2751 Dairies and Dairy Products, including fresh milk, UHT milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, butter, etc 0,584 0,876 1,168
2752 Powder milk 0,934 1,400 1,867
276 Coffee roasting plants and coffee extract factories, malting Judul tanpa tarif
2761 Coffee roasting plants and other roasting plants, coffee extract factories, coffee sorting and peeling establishments, cashew nut roasting and peeling plants 0,802 1,203 1,605
2762 Malting 0,900 1,350 1,800
2763 Tea Sheds and Tea Factories, including herb drink (serbat, etc) 1,277 1,915 2,554
2768 Mixed 1,250 1,875 2,500
277 Cold stores, ice factories, abattoirs, butchers drying installation Judul tanpa tarif
2771 Cold stores and ice factories 0,923 1,384 1,846
2772 Abbatoirs and Butchers, including slaughter house 1,163 1,745 2,326
2773 Drying installations 2,593 3,890 5,186
2778 Mixed 2,106 3,159 4,212
278 Breweries, beverage producers, spirits, liquors producers, distilleries and vinegar Factories. Judul tanpa tarif
2781 Breweries, beer factory 0,520 0,780 1,040
2782 Producers of wines, fruit juices and mineral water 0,880 1,319 1,759
2783 Producers of Spirits and Liquors and Distilleries Judul tanpa tarif
27831 Producers of Spirits and Liquors 0,936 1,404 1,872
27832 Distilleries producing Alcohol (Ethanol) for Nutrional Purposes from Non – Petrochemical Materials.
For Producers of Alcohol (Ethanol) from Petrochemical Materials see Code No. 2321: Petrochemical
1,076 1,615 2,153
2784 Vinegar factories (Acid liquor) factories 1,169 1,754 2,338
2788 Mixed 1,286 1,929 2,572
279 Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes manufacture Judul tanpa tarif
2790 Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes manufacture 0,719 1,079 1,438
2791 Drying Sheds / Smoke Houses for tobacco leaves Drying Shed / Smoke House is a place for the drying process of a Tobacco leaves by using naturally and heating process alternately 0,827 1,241 1,654
2792 Oven, is a place for the drying process of a Tobacco leaves by using heating process 1,199 1,799 2,399
2793 Tobacco Establishement (Usaha Pengolahan Tembakau) is a Company with an activity to process a Tobacco leaves received from the Farmers and will be proceed to be a Tobacco leaves which is ready for the export of to be used by Cigarrette Factories. The activity of this Tobacco Establishment covering Purchasing, Peeling, Fermenatasion, Packing and Storing Processes 1,559 2,339 3,118
28 280 Hydro-electric power stations Judul tanpa tarif
2801 Conventional hydro electric power station 1,035 1,553 2,070
2802 Micro hydro electric power station 0,900 1,350 1,800
281 Conventional power station, buildings with boiler houses and steam houses Judul tanpa tarif
2811 PLTU Judul tanpa tarif
28111 PLTU using steam boiler 3,011 4,516 6,021
28112 PLTU using Geothermal 2,164 3,246 4,328
2812 PLTG 2,728 4,092 5,457
2813 PLTGU (combined cycle) 2,446 3,669 4,892
2814 PLTD 1,882 2,822 3,763
2815 Other 3,293 4,939 6,586
282 Nuclear power stations 3,914
283 Overhead power transmission lines and networks 2,164
284 Voltage and current transformer stations, junction installation in the open 2,446
285 Rubbish incineration installations for power generation and heating 3,462
286 Gas Works Flammable, filling services, including acethylene, oxygen, 2,728
nitrogen, argon, etc, non pipelines
287 Waterworks, Pumping Stations, Sewage Works, Ice Rinks, Water treatment plant (WTP), WWTP) (including Underground Pipes) 0,554 0,831 1,108
29 290 Transport and traffic Judul tanpa tarif
2901 Railways, LRT, MRT, Monorel, Cable cars (kereta gantung) 0,250 0,338 0,425
2902 Highways, bridges, airport runways 0,473 0,639 0,805
2903 Jetties (dermaga) 0,310 0,419 0,527
2904 Aerial railways/ropeways, funicular railways, chairlifts 2,354 3,178 4,002
2905 Airport : Hangars 0,869 1,174 1,478
2906 Airport : Workshops, spare parts depots 0,970 1,309 1,648
2907 Airport : Aircrafts 0,940 1,269 1,598
2908 Airport : General airport services 0,623 0,841 1,059
2909 Airport : Others 0,685 0,925 1,165
291 Construction firms Judul tanpa tarif
2911 Construction firm, road construction and construction sites 1,120 1,680 2,240
2912 Cranes, excavators, elevators, road building machines (excluding tar sprayers) 1,142 1,712 2,283
2913 Tar sprayers and road surfacing plants 1,376 2,064 2,752
2914 Others 1,494 2,241 2,987
2915 Welding Plants 2,263 3,394 4,526
292 Mass communication Judul tanpa tarif
2921 Film television and recording on magnetic tape studios 0,982 1,473 1,963
2922 Film reproduction (prints) and photo treatment 0,516 0,774 1,032
2923 Cinemas, assembly rooms and concert halls 0,602 0,903 1,204
2924 Theatres, variety theatres and circuses housed in permanent buildings 0,862 1,292 1,723
2925 Circuses with a big top, show and exhibition tents 9,600 14,400 19,200
2926 Others 1,893 2,839 3,786
2927 Radio broadcasting, television broadcasting & relay stations, transmission tower including microwave transmission tower and relay tower 0,590 0,885 1,180
2928 Sentral Telecommunication Otomat (STO) dan warung pos/telekomunikasi (wartel) 0,645 0,968 1,290
2929 Telecommunication operator engaged in furnishing telephone voice and data communication including their telephone transmission such as optical fiber and microwave or satellite facilities 0,590 0,886 1,181
29291 Data center 0,538 0,806 1,075
293 Trading and storage Judul tanpa tarif
2930 Drug Store (apotek) 0,889 1,334 1,778
2931* Pasar Modern contoh: Department Stores, Supermarket and Shopping Centre Judul tanpa tarif
29311 Department stores, building risk area > 200m2. If below 200m2 go to 2934 1,028 1,541 2,055
29312 Supermarket, building risk area > 200m2. If below 200m2 go to 2933 0,760 1,139 1,519
29313* Shopping mall/center Judul tanpa tarif
Grade A 0,893 1,340 1,787
Grade B 2,234 3,350 4,467
29314 Grocery Store 0,646 0,968 1,291
2932 Mail Order Houses, online shopping 1,673 2,510 3,346
2933 Chain Stores, convenience store, grocery store, with building risk area
2,474 3,711 4,948
2934 Shops, non chain store 1,520 2,280 3,040
2935* Pasar Risks (traditional market, konsorsium) 6,000 27,000 36,000
2936 Others 7,222 10,833 14,444
2937 Private and public warehouse Judul tanpa tarif
29371 Private Warehouses, dengan syarat sebagai berikut :
1. Gudang yang disewa oleh tertanggung secara langsung dari pemilik gudang atau pemilik bangunan/tempat penimbunan
2. Gudang yang dimiliki oleh tertanggung atau disewa oleh tertanggung tersebut pada no. 1 diatas yang secara khusus dipergunakan untuk menimbun barang-barang yang seluruhnya menjadi milik/kepentingan
1,127 1,691 2,255
tertanggung yang bersangkutan dan sama sekali tidak terdapat barangbarang milik/kepentingan pihak lain, kecuali itu telah menjadi milik/ kepentingan pembelinya, yang (karena sesuatu hal yang dapat dibenarkan/lazim terjadi dalam transaksi jual beli) belum diambil oleh pembeli yang bersangkutan dan masih berada dalam gudang tersebut
3. Pengelolaan isi gudang tersebut pada no. 2 diatas dilaksanakan oleh
dan menjadi tanggung jawab sepenuhnya dari tertanggung
29378 Public Warehouses, dengan syarat selain disebutkan di 29371 2,255 3,382 4,509
2938 Storage tanks Judul tanpa tarif
29383 Petrol / Diesel Fuel Stations 1,230 1,846 2,461
29384 Liquid Nature Gas (LNG) Stations for Automobiles 1,415 2,122 2,830
29385 Others 1,600 2,399 3,199
2939 Miscellaneous (open storage) Judul tanpa tarif
29394 Bonded Warehouses 2,004 3,006 4,008
29395 Show Rooms ( Permanent Show Rooms without Repair / Workshop ) for New Motor Cars, Electronic Goods, Machinery, Office and Medical Equipment and the like New Motor Cars, Electronic Goods, Machinery, Office and Medical Equipment and the like 1,520 2,280 3,040
294 Hotels, Entertainment, Sport, Services Judul tanpa tarif
2941 Hotels, motels, inns and the like Judul tanpa tarif
29411 certified below 3 star classification 0,886 1,329 1,772
29412 certified as 3 star and above 0,483 0,725 0,966
2942 Night clubs, dance halls, ball rooms, discotheques, bars, billiards karaoke 10,574 15,861 21,148
2943 Swimming pools or complex of swimming pools, sports stadium, sport centre, fitness centre, gyms and the like, private (member only) club houses and golf club 0,563 0,845 1,127
29431 Swimming Pools or Complex of Swimming Pools not forming part of Recreation Centre or Hotel Complex such as waterpark 0,753 1,130 1,506
29432 Sport Stadium, Sport Centres, Fitness Centres, Gymns and the like 0,886 1,329 1,772
29433 Private ( member only ) Club House and Golf Club Houses 0,620 0,930 1,240
2944 Others 3,042 4,564 6,085
2945 Restaurants, eating and drinking places, (permanent building) 1,479 2,218 2,958
2946 Stalls, Huts ( Kedai ), Eating Places ( Warung Makan ), and the like (tenda, non permanent building) 2,278 3,418 4,557
2947 Beauty salon/ Hair dresser/ Barber shops 0,781 1,171 1,562
2949 Recreation areas and cultural centre 2,646 3,969 5,292
295 The caring services Judul tanpa tarif
2951 Sanatorium, hospitals, doctor’s consulting rooms, old people’s and children’s homes 0,378 0,510 0,642
2952 Religious facilities such as mosques, temples, churches, convents and the like 0,352 0,475 0,598
2953 Schools, universities and training colleges 0,386 0,521 0,656
2954 Museums 0,260 0,350 0,441
2955 Psychiatric clinics 0,853 1,152 1,451
296 Motor vehicle repair shops, services station and pools Judul tanpa tarif
2961 Motor vehicle repair shops with facilities for body repair work (including welding/ soldering and spray painting) and service station (parts replacement, replacing/ topping up engine oil/ brake fluid, lubrication and engine/ body/ chassis scrubbing/ washing) 1,088 1,631 2,175
2962 Code 2961 and also operating a petrol/diesel fuel station within the premises 2,091 3,137 4,182
2963 Motor vehicle service stations only without bodyrepair etc., (refer to code 2961) 0,950 1,425 1,900
2964 Motor vehicle pools without any body repair 0,981 1,472 1,962
work/service station facilities
2965 Motor vehicle pools with service station facilities as described under code 2961 0,998 1,497 1,996
2966 Motor vehicle pools with body repair work and service station facilities as described under code 2961 1,259 1,889 2,518
2967 Motor vehicle pools with a petrol/diesel fuel station within the premises 2,153 3,229 4,305
2968 Motor vehicle pools with body repair work & service station facilities as described under code 2961 and also operating a petrol/diesel fuel station within the premises 2,276 3,413 4,551
2969 Rust protection / paint protection workshops 0,785 1,178 1,570
297 Private Building Judul tanpa tarif
2971 Apartments/ condominiums, offices, multi-storeyed car parks not exceeding 6 storeys above ground level 0,368 0,497 0,625
2972 Apartments/ condominiums, offices, multi-storeyed car parks exceeding 6 storeys up to 18 storeys above ground level 0,385 0,520 0,655
2973 Apartments/ condominiums, offices, multi-storeyed car parks exceeding 18 storeys above ground level 0,376 0,507 0,639
2974 Convention halls and other multi purpose buildings (but excluding exhibition) 0,478 0,645 0,812
2975 Apartments/ condominiums, offices, multi-storeyed car parks – exceeding 24 storeys above ground 0,455 0,614 0,774
2976 Dwelling houses not classified as shop houses (ruko) not exceeding 3 storeys 0,294 0,397 0,499
29761 Dwelling house for boarding house/kos- kosan 0,478 0,645 0,812
2977 Dwelling houses buildings floating on the river/sea shore (regardless of constructional class) 1,448 1,955 2,462
2978 Independent analytical laboratories 1,138 1,536 1,935
298 Property of public bodies Judul tanpa tarif
2981 Public buildings 0,593 0,800 1,008
2982 Police barracks and police stations 0,551 0,744 0,937
2983 Military Barracks 2,154 2,908 3,662
2984 Others 2,253 3,041 3,830
299 Special covers for building Judul tanpa tarif
2991 Buildings in course of construction (rate to be applied againts Full Value of completed building) 0,585 0,878 1,170
2992 Rents Mengikuti Okupasi
30 300 Kina 4,300
301 Coklat 13,190
303 Kopi Judul tanpa tarif
3031 Kopi tanpa rumah pengeringan 2,540
3032 Dengan rumah pengeringan 27,440
304 The 0,740
305 Minyak sereh 4,650
306 Kapok (dari hasil buah) 6,670
307 Kelapa dan kopra Judul tanpa tarif
3071 Tanpa ekstraksi Minyak 2,910
3072 Dengan ekstraksi Minyak 8,140
3073 Gedung pengeringan dengan pengering buatan 35,660
308 Karet (Gutta percha) Judul tanpa tarif
3081 Gedung tidak termasuk rumah asap 3,390
3082 Rumah Asap 7,690
309 Gula bibit 3,000
31 310 Perkebunan serat,serat campuran dan kapok yang belum terproses 6,200
311 Pabrik tapioka di perkebunan 5,000
312 Damar dan terpentin 7,550
313 Cengkeh dan rempah- rempah 6,215
314 Padi, tanpa pengerjaan termasuk padi di tempat terbuka 6,200
315 Hortikultura,sayur- sayuran,kentang dan tidak ada pengeringan 4,040
316 Kelapa sawit 0,990
317 Tembakau 13,240
318 Gambir, barang-barang ditempat terbuka 5,830
40 Bangunan di dalam lokasi perkebunan milik perorangan, selain proses produksi mengacu pada okupasi kebun kode 3XX

1. Kode Okupasi 2931
Pasar Modern adalah semua pusat perbelanjaan (pasar) yang diperlengkapi dengan fasilitas AC (alat penyejuk ruangan) sentral yang memiliki sistem refrigerasi berupa kompresor, kondensor dan evaporator untuk semua ruangan yang dipergunakan untuk aktifitas jual beli.
2. Penjelasan Grade A dan Grade B untuk kode okupasi 29313 adalah sebagai

Grade A Grade B
Located in favorable commercial area, e.g.: CBD area, high class residential area. May be located in a compound / attached to five star hotels / expensive apartment.
Terletak di area komersial utama, contoh: area CBD, perumahan elit. Bisa jadi terletak satu komplek dengan hotel bintang 5 atau apartemen mewah.
SKOR = 5
Located in favorable commercial area. May be located in a compound / attached to four star hotels and below or middle to low class apartment. May be located in middle to low class commercial area, e.g.: located near or attached to Traditional Pasar or bus terminal.
Terletak di lokasi ramai. Bisa jadi terletak satu komplek dengan hotel bintang 4 dan dibawahnya atau apartemen kelas menengah kebawah.
Dapat terletak di area komersial menengah kebawah, misalnya terletak dekat pasar tradisional, dekat terminal bus, dll.
SKOR = 1
Mainly upper class and luxury class retailers / brands. Feature leading international brands / LUXURY BRANDS
Kebanyakan tenant dari merek kelas atas dan dari merek mewah.
SKOR = 5
Mainly middle class retailers, local and international. May not have luxury class retailer / brand as tenant
Kebanyakan tenant kelas menengah. Jarang atau sedikit merek mewah atau pengecer barang mewah.
SKOR = 1
Legality of goods
Legalitas barang
No non-original goods sold within the entire shopping center.
Tidak ada barang tiruan
There may be very few  item non original goods, not easy to find.
Terdapat beberapa barang
Grade A Grade B
dagangan (KW) di seluruh mall.
SKOR = 5
tiruan atau barang non original (KW).
SKOR = 1
Fire Protection
Proteksi terhadap Kebakaran
Adequately provided and maintained (sprinkler, hydrant, automatic fire detection, portable fire extinguisher). No painted sprinkler head.
Proteksi memadai (sprinkler, hydrant, detektor kebakaran otomatis, APAR) dan tidak ada sprinkler yang dicat.
SKOR = 5
Not adequately protected (sprinkler coverage may not adequate) or protection not adequately maintained  e,g,: limited sprinkler coverage, sprinkler not set to automatic. There may be only few painted sprinkler heads.
Proteksi tidak memadai (area cakupan sprinkler terbatas) atau proteksi tidak terawat dengan baik Contoh: area cakupan sprinkler terbatas, sprinkler tidak disetel otomatis dan/atau tidak semua area terproteksi dengan sprinkler.
Terdapat/ada beberapa sprinkler yang dicat.
SKOR = 1
Visitor security check upon entrance security gat sensor equipped.
Pemeriksaan pada pengunjung saat memasuki mall oleh petugas keamanan Dilengkapi dengan security gate sensor.
SKOR = 5
Security check upon entrance not always implemented May not have security gate sensor.
Tidak selalu ada pemeriksaan pengunjung saat masuk memasuki mall oleh petugas keamanan, atau tidak dilengkapi dengan security gate sensor.
SKOR = 1

Kategori Grade A jika score ≥ 21 dan score < 21 masuk dalam kategori grade B
3. Kode Okupasi 2935
Pasar Tradisional adalah semua pusat perbelanjaan (pasar) yang tidak diperlengkapi dengan fasilitas AC (alat penyejuk ruangan) pada semua ruangan yang dipergunakan untuk aktifitas jual beli.