Protection and Indemnity

Protection and Indemnity Insurance

PROTECTION AND INDEMNITY Protection and indemnity insurance, more commonly known as “P&I” insurance, is a form of mutual maritime insurance provided by a P&I Club.[1] Whereas a marine insurance company provides “hull and machinery” cover for shipowners, and cargo cover for cargo owners, a P&I Club provides cover for open-ended risks that traditional insurers are […]

Info Produk Asuransi Lainnya

Info Produk Asuransi Lainnya Produk Asuransi Kerugian sangat beragam, seperti misalnya : Advanced Loss of Profit, Automobile Liability Insurance, Aviation Hull & Liability Insurance, Bailees Warehousemens and Forwarders Liability Insurance, Business Interruption Insurance (Following Property All Risk or Machinery Breakdown or Earthquake), Civil Engineering Completed Risks Insurance, Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, Construction, Erection All Risk Insurance, including its Third Party […]