MR-121 Special conditions concerning piling foundation and retaining wall works
MR-121 Special conditions concerning piling foundation and retaining wall works
Endorsement 121
Special conditions concerning piling foundation and retaining wall works
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of expenses incurred
1. for replacing or rectifying piles or retaining wall elements
a) which have become misplaced or misaligned or jammed during their construction,
b) which are lost or abandoned or damaged during driving or extraction, or
c) which have become obstructed by jammed or damaged piling equipment or casings,
2. for rectifying disconnected or declutched sheet piles,
3. for rectifying any leakage or infiltration of material of any kind,
4. for filling voids or for replacing lost bentonite,
5. as a result of any piles or foundation elements having failed to pass a load bearing test or otherwise not having reached their designed load bearing capacity,
6. for reinstating profiles or dimensions.
This endorsement shall not apply to loss or damage caused by natural hazards. The burden of proving that such loss or damage is covered shall be upon the Insured.
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MR-121 Special conditions concerning piling foundation and retaining wall works
Contractors All Risks Insurance adalah asuransi yang menutup risiko-risiko pekerjaan Teknik Sipil (bangunan) yang biasanya dilakukan oleh orang atau badan hukum lain (kontraktor). Secara garis besar Asuransi Contractors All Risks memberi jaminan sebagai berikut :
Bagian I : Kerusakan Bangunan Proyek (Material Damage)
Bagian II : Tanggung Jawab Hukum terhadap Pihak Ketiga (TPL)
Bagian III : Kehilangan Keuntungan (Advance Loss of Profit)
Kerugian atau kerusakan yang dijamin adalah bersifat tiba-tiba, tak terduga atau terjadi di lokasi pembangunan (site) selama masa pembangunan (masa pertanggungan).
Asuransi ini memberikan jaminan keuangan bagi tertanggung agar usaha mereka tidak terganggu walaupun terjadi suatu kerusakan/kerugian atas obyek pertanggungan.
Tertanggung mendapat jaminan bahwa pekerjaannya dapat terus dijalankan walaupun mengalami suatu kerugian dan jangka waktu kerugian dapat diperpendek serta cadangan biaya yang telah disediakan tertanggung untuk menanggulangi kerugian yang dapat diperkecil.
Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi petugas kami atau kunjungi