Money Insurance

Money Insurance (Asuransi Uang)

Money Insurance (Asuransi Uang)

Money Insurance – Asuransi Uang adalah polis asuransi yang memberikan jaminan atas :

  • Risiko uang saat disimpan di tempat penyimpanan uang (brankas/strong room), di ruang kasir, ATM, seperti : pencurian dengan kekerasan, perampokan
  • Risiko uang selama dalam perjalanan dari tempat/kantor tertanggung ke bank atau sebaliknya, seperti : perampokan, alat angkut/kendaraan mengalami kecelakaan

Obyek apa saja yang dapat diasuransikan ?

Uang atau yang disamakan dengan uang seperti surat berharga, obligasi, materai, perangko, logam mulia

Siapa saja yang dapat berasuransi ?

Perusahaan yang melakukan transaksi dalam jumlah besar dan rutin seperti bank, penukaran uang asing, atau perusahaan lainnya.

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Supporting Article :

The policy covers:

  • loss of money in transit, by the Insured or the Insured’s authorized employee(s), occasioned by robbery, theft or any other fortuitous cause.
  • loss of money in safe, e, by burglary, housebreaking, robbery or hold-up, provided always that the limit of the Company’s liability for any one loss shall in no case exceed the amount specified against any respective section in the said Schedule to the Policy.

Main exclusions

  • Shortage due to error or omission
  • Riot, strike, civil commotion unless specifically agreed for
  • Terrorism
  • Unexplained losses and mysterious disappearances
  • Loss or damage due to flood, cyclone, earthquake and other convulsions of nature, war and war like operations
  • Loss or damage arising out of use of key(s) to safe(s) or strong room unless such keys are obtained by force or threat
  • Money entrusted to any person other than the Insured or an authorised employee
  • Legal liability, consequential loss, theft from an unsecured vehicle and consequential loss
  • Money entrusted to a carrier
  • Loss due to any act in which the Insured, his/her family member/lemployee is involved as principal or party except dishonesty of cash carrying employee where specifically covered
  • Such dishonest activity of cash carrying employee shall be discovered within 48 hours.
  • Money carried under contract of affreightment