LMA 5399 Communicable Disease Exclusion (Casualty Treaty Reinsurance)

LMA 5399 Communicable Disease Exclusion (Casualty Treaty Reinsurance)

LMA 5399  Communicable Disease Exclusion (Casualty Treaty Reinsurance)


1. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this reinsurance agreement, this reinsurance
agreement excludes all actual or alleged loss, liability, damage, compensation, injury, sickness,
disease, death, medical payment, defence cost, cost, expense or any other amount incurred by or
accruing to the reinsured, directly or indirectly and regardless of any other cause contributing
concurrently or in any sequence, originating from, caused by, arising out of, contributed to by,
resulting from, or otherwise in connection with a Communicable Disease or the fear or threat
(whether actual or perceived) of a Communicable Disease.

2. As used herein, a Communicable Disease means any disease which can be transmitted by means of
any substance or agent from any organism to another organism where:
2.1. the substance or agent includes, but is not limited to, a virus, bacterium, parasite or other
organism or any variation thereof, whether deemed living or not, and
2.2. the method of transmission, whether direct or indirect, includes but is not limited to,
airborne transmission, bodily fluid transmission, transmission from or to any surface or
object, solid, liquid or gas or between organisms, and
2.3. the disease, substance or agent can cause or threaten bodily injury, illness, emotional
distress or damage to human health, human welfare or property damage.

06 May 2020

Update Berita

LMA 5399 Communicable Disease Exclusion (Casualty Treaty Reinsurance)

Menanggapi penyebaran COVID-19, Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) telah menerbitkan dua model pengecualian lebih lanjut. Salah satu pengecualian, Pengecualian Penyakit Menular LMA5399 (Reasuransi Perjanjian Kecelakaan), diterbitkan oleh LMA Panel Bisnis Reasuransi Kecelakaan Amerika Utara dan Panel Bisnis Reasuransi Korban Internasional. Klausa model menyatakan bahwa perjanjian reasuransi akan mengecualikan:

“Semua kerugian, pertanggungjawaban, kerusakan, kompensasi, cedera, sakit, penyakit, kematian, pembayaran medis, biaya pertahanan, biaya, biaya atau jumlah lain apa pun yang timbul atau terjadi pada yang direasuransikan, secara langsung atau tidak langsung dan terlepas dari yang lainnya menyebabkan kontribusi secara bersamaan atau dalam urutan apa pun, yang berasal dari, disebabkan oleh, timbul dari, berkontribusi oleh, yang dihasilkan dari, atau terkait dengan Penyakit Menular atau ketakutan atau ancaman (apakah aktual atau dirasakan) dari Penyakit Menular.

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