Ini bunyi klausula perluasan Banjir pada Asuransi Kendaraan

Ini bunyi klausula perluasan Banjir pada Asuransi Kendaraan

Ini bunyi klausula perluasan Banjir pada Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor

Sahabat Caraka,

Pada polis Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor, tidak secara otommatis menjamin kerugian dan atau kerusakan pada kendaraan bermotor karena sebab Banjir.

Jaminan Banjir bisa diberikan jika kita membayar premi tambahan untuk memperluas tambahan Manfaat yang terkandung dalam klausula Angin Topan, Badai, Hujan Es, Banjir dan atau Tanah Longsor.

Bagaimana bunyi ayat klausulanya ?

Update Berita

Ini bunyi klausula perluasan Banjir pada Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor


Dengan ini dicatat dan disetujui, bahwa dengan pembayaran tambahan premi, pertanggungan ini diperluas dengan jaminan terhadap kerugian dan atau kerusakan pada kendaraan bermotor yang dipertanggungkan, yang disebabkan secara langsung oleh angin topan, badai, hujan es, banjir, genangan air dan atau tanah longsor.

Risiko Sendiri : 10 % dari nilai kerugian, minimum Rp. 500.000,– untuk tiap-tiap kejadian.

Kl. KBM – 12

atau dalam bahasa inggris tertera sbb :


It is hereby noted and agreed, that with additional premium, this insurance shall extend to include coverage against loss and or damage to insured motor vehicle, directly caused by storm, hail, flood, inundation and or landslide.

Own Risk: 10% of loss, a minimum of Rp.500.000,- any one accident.

Kl. KBM – 12

Jika diperhatikan dengan seksama, Bunyi ayat klausula tersebut berbeda dengan Ayat Klausula Perluasan Banjir pada Asuransi Harta Benda, yuk kita baca klausula Perluasan Banjir di Polis Asuransi Property All Risks :

In consideration of the payment by the Insured of an additional premium as per schedule hereinafter appearing, it is understood and agreed that to notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy to the country, this Insurance extends to cover damage and or destruction to the properties here- by insured resulting from the action or the direct consequence thereof :

Flood, due to water, which has overflowed beyond the normal boundaries of river, watercourse, lake or sea.
Water, other than water resulting from any of the foregoing causalities, entering into the premises from outside.
Loss or damage due to water discharged from sprinklers or drencher installations in the premises.
Consequential loss or damage of any kind or description.
Loss or damage due to failure of or inadequacy of or other defects in any water pumping apparatus used for the purposes of discharging water from any basement or sump and any water apparatus especially fitted or installed for trade purpose and processes.


The Insured shall, under penalty of nullity of the insurance under this Endorsement, take all reasonable steps to mountain the building, roof roof guttering, water, tanks, pipes, drains, and other water apparatus in a good state repair.
If the actual value of the property hereby insured at the commencement of any destruction or damage to such property by any perils insured against by this Endorsement is collectively or separately of greater value than the Sum Insured thereon then the Insured shall be considered as being his own insurer for the difference and shall bear a ratable share of the amount of the loss accordingly. Every item if more than one of the Policy shall be separately subject to this condition. Provided that, it is hereby further expressly agreed and declared, that the liability of the Company shall in the aggregate in no case exceed the Sum-Insured and in respect of each item the sum expressed in the Schedule of the Policy.
In all respect the insurance under this Endorsement is subject to the Policy conditions.


It is understood and agreed that for any claim of any one event payable under this cover the Insured shall bear 10 % of recoverable claim amount.

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