insurance clauses caraka mulia pialang asuransi

EPI 58 Microorganisms

EPI 58 Microorganisms

It is agreed that the following is added to General Exclusions:
Insurers will not indemnify the Insured in respect of:
(a) loss or damage, arising out of, resulting from, caused by, contributed to, or in any way related to the existence, inhalation or exposure to any fungus/fungi and or spore(s);
(b) any cost or expenses associated in any way, or arising out of the abatement, mitigation, remediation, containment, detoxification, neutralisation, monitoring, removal, disposal, or any obligation to investigate or assess the presence or effects of any fungus/fungi or spore(s);
(c) any obligation to share with or repay any person, organisation or entity, related in any way to items (a) and (b) above, regardless of any other cause, event, material, product and/or building component that contributed concurrently or in any sequence to the injury or damage.
For purposes of this Exclusion fungus/fungi includes, but is not limited to, any form or type of mould, mildew, mushroom, yeast, or biocontaminant and spore(s) includes, but is not limited to, any substance produced by, emanating from, or arising out of any fungus/fungi.

ini termasuk salah satu klausula dalam Standard Wording Swiss-Re untuk Jenis Engineering Project Insurance. (EPI).

Polis-Polis Asuransi Rekayasa, juga yang beredar di pasar Asuransi Indonesia, umumnya menggunakan standar Polis dan Wording dariReasuransi Internasional yaitu format-format baku dari Reasuransi seperti Munich-re, Swiss-Re, London Engineering Group (LEG).

Oleh karenanya, penting bagi seluruh underwriter, praktisi asuransi dan para tenaga ahli perusahaan pialang asuransi mengenal tentang Jenis-jenis Wording dan klausula yang berlaku didalam Asuransi Rekayasa atau yang biasa disebut Engineering Insurance.

Jenis Polis yang termasuk dalam golongan kelompok Asuransi Rekayasa Intu Sendiri, adalah :
• Advanced Loss of Profits Insurance (ALoP) / Delay in StartUp (DSU)
• Aero Insurance
• Boiler & Machinery Insurance (Machinery Breakdown Insurance)
• Business Interruption Insurance (MLoP – Machinery Loss of Profit)
• Contractor’s All Risks Insurance
• Contingent Business Interruption Insurance (CBI)
• Comprehensive Engineering Completed Risks Insurance (CECR)
• Comprehensive Project Insurance (CPI)
• Construction Erection All Risks Insurance (CEAR)
• Contractors’ Plant and Machinery Insurance (CPM)
• Deterioration of Stock Insurance
• Engineering Project Insurance (EPI)
• Erection All Risks Insurance (EAR)
• Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI)
• Industrial All Risks Insurance (IAR)
• Third Party Liability Extension
• Dan seluruh klausula perluasan atau endorsement wording lainnya.

Data Standar polis, klausula dan ketentuan dan seluruh hal tentang asuransi rekayasa dapat diperoleh dengan mengklik TAUTAN INI.