1. Dalam industri Asuransi, untuk jenis apapun, Nilai pertanggungan atas aset yang diasuransikan tidak pernah ditentukan oleh pihak Penanggung. Akan tetapi ditentukan oleh Tertanggung sendiri.

2. Untuk Semua Jenis Asuransi, Pihak tertanggung, biasanya akan menentukan Nilai pertanggungan berdasarkan Estimasi, dimana estimasi ini diperhitungkan untuk bisa se-akurat mungkin untuk nilai pembayaran yang akan diterima saat terjadi klaim.

3. Dalam hal terjadi Klaim Asuransi, ada 2 type jenis Polis Asuransi kerugian, yaitu :
a. Indemnity Basis
“Indemnity basis means that the insurance will only pay for the second hand value of the item i.e. what you might get if you sold it. This is its market value, not the written down value.”
b. Reinstatement Basis
“Reinstatement cover means that the insurers will pay the cost of replacement with a new one which is equal to but not better than the item lost or damaged. This is usually the basis of cover under the Event Assured “all risks” cover, provided the sum insured represent the full replacement cost.”
c. Catatan: Artinya Indemnity Basis akan memperhitungkan Depreciation Cost. Sementara Reinstatement akan memberikan nilai penggantian Sesuai dengan Biaya Full Perbaikan atau penggantian untuk memulihkan kembali aset tertanggung.

4. Selain dari jenis polis yang diuraikan dalam butir 3, perlu juga diketahui tentang efek Penentuan Nilai pertanggungan terhadap nilai penggantian klaim asuransi yaitu adanya pengenaan Average Condition – jika Nilai pertanggungan dianggap Under Insurance.

Under Insurance adalah :

as the occurrence when there is a shortfall between the amount of cover selected and the actual replacement value of what is being insured. The result is that you will only be paid a proportional part of your claim. In the event of a claim the principle of ‘average’ would then be applied.

What is the principle of “average”?

Average is an insurance principle which has frustrated many insured clients – yet it is a simple and easy one to understand. If an item or property is underinsured, the insured must bear a rateable proportion of each and every loss. Technically, you become your own insurer for the balance of the loss.

The formula determining average is as follows:
(Sum Insured / Value at Risk) x Amount of Loss

This can be best explained by way of a few examples:
A machine is insured for R10 000. The actual replacement value of the item is R20 000. If the machine was damaged by fire resulting in repairs to the value of R5 000 in repairs, the claims settlement would be calculated as follows:
(R10 000 / R20 000) x R5 000 Amount payable : R2 500

5. Terkait dengan penjelasan diatas dan dengan pertimbangan Bahwa tujuan Tertanggung dalam menutup Asuransi harus bisa memulihkan kembali saat setelah terjadi kerugian, maka penting bagi tertanggung untuk memperhitungkan Estimasi Nilai pertanggungan yang cukup Akurat yang dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan nilai penggantian klaim yang bisa merefleksikan Nilai untuk memulihkan kembali Aset yang rusak/hilang.

6. Dalam beberapa Alternatif perhitungan Nilai Pertanggungan, yang terbaik adalah menggunakan cara Menghitung Estimasi Nilai aset yang diasuransikan berdasarkan Harga Pasar – Untuk membeli kembali.

Biasanya dimungkinkan untuk menggunakan Outsource Appraisal, atau staff perusahaan yang bisa meneliti Nilai pertanggungan sesuai harga Pasar (untuk membeli kembali) pada tahun asuransi akan diaktifkan itu berapa nilainya.

“Harga Pasar” itu sendiri, bisa di asumsikan dalam beragam kalkulasi, misalnya :
– Harga Pasar untuk Appraisal Load Bank – ini tidak bisa digunakan utk Nilai Pertanggungan Asuransi
– Harga Pasar untuk Appraisal saat Aset akan dijual – ini juga tidak bisa digunakan untuk Nilai Pertanggungan Asurnasi
– Harga Pasar untuk kita membeli kembali / membangun kembali unit Aset yang sama dan spesifikasi yang sama , adalah Nilai Appraisal yang terbaik untuk menghitung Nilai pertaggungan.

7. Pada umumnya, tertanggung dalam menentukan nilai pertanggungan akan memiliki kebijakan Manajemen sendiri, dengan beragam alternatif misalnya :
a. Ada yang berdasarkan nilai Kontrak dengan Lessor.
b. Ada yang berdasarkan nilai Buku (Book Value) tapi ini akan terkait dengan Depresiasi
c. Ada yang berdasarkan Nilai Market Value (Nilai pasar untuk membeli kembali).

8. Dalam Hal Asuransi Aviasi / Pesawat, Nilai Pertanggungan Polis Asuransi Aviasi ditetapkan secara “Agreed-Value” basis.

What is Agreed Value Basis ?
General insurance property insurance policies are designed to provide the policyholder with an indemnity in the event of a claim and the level of this indemnity sometimes defined by an agreed value policy but what is an agreed value insurance policy and when is it used?

The purpose of indemnity is to place the policyholder in the same financial position following a loss or claim as they enjoyed immediately prior to the loss and the way in which the loss of value is calculated will be defined in the policy but the most common forms are a strict indemnity basis, your receive the sum equivalent to what you paid for the property that is lost or destroyed or more commonly on a reinstatement basis where you receive the cost of replacement as new. In both cases this is subject to the total sums insured under the policy adequately representing the full value at risk.

In certain cases it is more difficult to correctly assess the replacement value of property and the price paid for property may not adequately represent the property’s true value. In these cases an agreed value policy may provide the solution to a suitable way of providing indemnity under a policy.

Under an agreed value policy, both parties agree to an amount that will be paid out by the insurer in respect of a claim resulting in total loss of the property and this is the agreed value that will be paid out in the event of a claim irrespective of market fluctuations in the actual value of that property.

In the event of a claim for partial loss the insurer may elect to repair the property but if that is not possible then the insurer will pay out an amount equivalent to the the current loss in market value of the property as a result of the loss. In certain circumstances, a combination of these may apply where the insurer may elect to undertake repairs but also meet the cost of any reduction in market value.

What types of insurance are suitable for an agreed value basis of settlement?

Insurance in respect of high value and or property of a specialist nature, such as jewellery, works of art and classic cars are well suited to an agreed value insurance policy and many specialist policies are available in the market designed to meet these specific requirements.

More generally marine insurance policies are normally underwritten on an agreed value basis under which both parties, the insurer and the insured, agree to the amount payable in respect of a claim involving total loss even though the market value of the property may rise or fall during the period of transit. And Others, as well as applied in Aviation Insurance.

How is an agreed value different from a sum insured under a standard insurance policy?

As stated the agreed value is the amount payable by the insurer in respect of a total loss under the policy, the sum insured under alternative basis of settlement represents the insurer’s maximum liability in respect of claims for a total loss.

In simple terms, if the total value of the property lost is lower than the total sum insured under the policy then it is the lower value upon which the insurer will base the settlement of the claim.

Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, terkait dengan Polis Asuransi Pesawat, yang terbaik adalah :
a. menetapkan Nilai pertanggungan dalam basis Agreed Value, dimana Nilai yang disepakati sebagai Agreed Value, merefleksikan nilai pertanggungan sesuai Harga Pasar untuk memulihkan kembali kondisi keuangan tertanggung yang sama sesaat setelah kejadian
b. Untuk Long term Period, Tertanggung juga wajib melakukan “Review” ulang Nilai pertanggungan berdasarkan Harga Pasar untuk membeli kembali unit aset pada tahun yang bersangkutan (Polis akan diaktifkan)
Dalam kaitan Jenis Polis Asuransi Lainnya (Non Aviasi), ketentuan mengenai perlunya Nilai pertanggungan diperhitungkan sebagai Nilai Market Value tetap melekat, karena adanya pertimbangan Kondisi “Under Insurance”, “Average Condition:, Reinstatement dan Indemnity yang sudah diuraikan pada butir-butir awal tersebutkan diatas.

Article Writer :  Registered CIIB Holder #S2008 0194